7 Natural Pest Control Remedies You Can Try Today

Natural pest control methods use natural substances in preventing pests from invading your home or kill unwanted insects without harming plants. These include plant-based oils, spices, and other common household ingredients. First, classify the pests you want to control. Different solutions work on different bugs.

For example, basil repels flies while the peels of bitter orange help to destroy moths. Table salt can also deter slugs and snails by absorbing their moisture.

1. Lemon Juice

Sharing this planet with pests is a reality but controlling those pesky invaders doesn’t have to involve harmful chemicals. Many of the ingredients you already have in your kitchen and garden can deter a variety of bugs without the need for toxic store-bought solutions.

For example, lemon juice can be used to repel fruit flies. Simply fill a glass or bottle with lemon juice or another sweet substance like syrup, honey or overripe fruit. The flies will be drawn into the bottle but once inside they will be unable to fly back out because their wings are wet. This will keep them from hovering around your food or plants.

Peppermint oil is a natural deterrent for spiders and ants. Simply add a few drops of this all-natural product to water and spray around potential nesting areas in your home or yard.

Chrysanthemum flowers are a powerful pest control solution for certain troublemakers such as aphids, thrips, whiteflies and mealybugs. These flowers contain the natural pesticide pyrethrum that will kill or drive away the insects upon contact. Dried chrysanthemum flowers can also be used to create an all-natural insecticide by crushing them and mixing the powder with water in a spray bottle. A layer of diatomaceous earth in your garden can help control slugs and snails. This naturally occurring powder dehydrates the pests and makes them unable to move or reproduce.

2. Chrysanthemums

In the garden, chrysanthemum plants serve a dual purpose: beauty and protection. This is because they contain a natural pest control ingredient called pyrethrins, which are toxic to many insects but safe for birds and mammals. Plant a healthy clump of chrysanthemum flowers (and marigolds) near any veggies or herbs you want to protect to keep pesky insects at bay.

If you don’t have room for a chrysanthemum plant, try drying the flower heads and grinding them into a powder. Mix this powder with water and a bit of soap to create a spray that can be used indoors or out. The pyrethrins in this spray attack the nervous systems of insects and paralyze them. It can also kill moths so they don’t lay eggs that will devour your vegetables.

Another great option for a natural pest control remedy is food grade diatomaceous earth, or DE. This powder is made from the fossilized remains of tiny marine phytoplankton and works by irritating the exoskeletons of unwanted insects. It’s also non-toxic to pets and children if applied properly. Sprinkle a thick layer of this powder over your garden to help control pesky bugs, especially those that feast on the leaves of your crops.

3. Oregano Oil

The powerful aroma of oregano oil works to ward off certain pests like mosquitoes & flies. Just add a few drops to water in a spray bottle and then spritz around potential nesting areas such as window frames or doorways to create an unwelcoming environment for unwanted guests.

Oregano oil has also been shown to repel the brown-banded cockroach and head lice due to its carvacrol content. This same chemical has been found to be just as effective against bed bugs in a new study comparing natural insecticides against synthetic ones.

Another easy and affordable all-natural way to keep aphids at bay is to simply spray them with a strong dose of 50% rubbing alcohol. This will dislodge them without damaging your plant and it’s like a mini hurricane for aphids.

Another simple yet effective natural aphid deterrent is a sprinkle of crushed almond shells. They work to irritate the sensitive feet of these pesky pests and will force them to look for easier targets elsewhere. For a more comprehensive approach, try releasing ladybugs to the garden as they’re nature’s natural predators of these pests and will eat them up in no time. This will allow your oregano to thrive without the need for chemicals.

4. Table Salt

If the warm weather brings unwanted pests, there are plenty of natural solutions to rid your home of them. From essential oils to homemade insecticides, these methods offer safe and effective control of pests without the use of harmful chemicals.

Neem oil is a great repellent for mosquitoes and other flying insects. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and apply regularly around entrances to your house, or anywhere you have seen bugs gathering. The strong aroma will help to create an environment that these unwanted guests don’t want to be a part of.

Baking soda is another common household item that can be used to deter insects. The powder disrupts the digestive systems of these creatures and can also be used to kill larvae in standing pools of water. You can also sprinkle the powder around potential nesting areas for further protection against pests.

Peppermint is a great repellent for spiders, ants, and other crawling insects. Combine a few drops of this powerful essential oil with water in a spray bottle and apply to various entry points to your home to keep these unwanted visitors away. You can also try growing plants that will naturally repel, confuse, or distract pests like fennel, catnip, or thyme.

5. Hot Sauce

Some plants are naturally resistant to insect pests, so plant your garden with these types of varieties. Marigolds, for instance, contain pyrethrum and can repel many common insects that attack your garden. Also be sure to plant vegetables and herbs that attract beneficial insects such as lady beetles, lacewings, and hoverflies. They’re natural predators of garden pests and will keep populations down.

The scent of citrus fruits is an effective deterrent for bugs such as flies and spiders. To use this natural pest control remedy, mix the juice from citrus fruit with water and transfer to a spray bottle. Spray this solution around your plants and doorways to help stop unwanted guests from entering your home.

Aspirin may not seem like the typical choice when it comes to a natural pest control remedy, but this over-the-counter drug can actually be an effective repellent for mosquitoes and other household insects. To use this natural pest control solution, mix a few tablets of aspirin with water and then transfer to a spray bottle. Spritz the solution onto areas where you see these unwanted guests and they’ll be forced to find another nesting area. Almond shells are a great natural deterrent for slugs and snails. Simply scatter the shells around the plants in your garden and these slimy creatures will stay away due to their unpleasant texture.

6. Vinegar

Vinegar is a household staple that works by disrupting the olfactory senses of bugs, repelling them away from infested areas. This method is safe for people, pets and plants. It’s particularly effective at warding off ants and mosquitoes.

For the garden, a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water makes a powerful plant spray that will kill and deter pests like slugs, moths and ants. It also works well as a pre-planting treatment for tomatoes and other fruit trees. A solution of equal parts water and vinegar can be sprayed directly on the leaves to kill and repel caterpillars and leafminers. It’s equally effective as a spray for killing and deterring spider mites.

Another natural alternative to pesticides is diatomaceous earth (DE). DE is a talc-like powder made from fossilized remains of microscopic marine phytoplankton. It’s non-toxic to people and animals, but it irritates the exoskeletons of insects, making them dehydrate and die. You can buy DE at most gardening centers or online. It’s also known to ward off termites. You can sprinkle it in the garden, around doorways and windows, or use it to create a barrier along the base of your house.

7. Garlic

Garlic is a natural pest control remedy that can repel many types of bugs. It works by creating a strong odor that insects find unpleasant. It also helps to mask other odors that would attract pests to the area. The best way to use garlic as a repellent is to sprinkle crushed cloves in areas where you are experiencing a pest problem.

Another effective method for using garlic is to make a spray from the cloves. To do this, puree two bulbs of garlic in a blender with a small amount of water and let it sit overnight. Then, strain the mixture and add one-half cup of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap to the solution. Then, pour it into a quart spray bottle and use it to spray the affected plants.

You can also try to repel pests by planting certain herbs and flowers in your garden. For example, marigolds and chrysanthemums have natural pest control properties that help to keep away insects like caterpillars and aphids. Other herbs that are effective include mint, basil, and dill. These herbs are easy to grow and can be planted directly into the soil of your garden.