7 Natural Pest Control Remedies You Can Try Today

Natural pest control methods use natural substances in preventing pests from invading your home or kill unwanted insects without harming plants. These include plant-based oils, spices, and other common household ingredients. First, classify the pests you want to control. Different solutions work on different bugs.

For example, basil repels flies while the peels of bitter orange help to destroy moths. Table salt can also deter slugs and snails by absorbing their moisture.

1. Lemon Juice

Sharing this planet with pests is a reality but controlling those pesky invaders doesn’t have to involve harmful chemicals. Many of the ingredients you already have in your kitchen and garden can deter a variety of bugs without the need for toxic store-bought solutions.

For example, lemon juice can be used to repel fruit flies. Simply fill a glass or bottle with lemon juice or another sweet substance like syrup, honey or overripe fruit. The flies will be drawn into the bottle but once inside they will be unable to fly back out because their wings are wet. This will keep them from hovering around your food or plants.

Peppermint oil is a natural deterrent for spiders and ants. Simply add a few drops of this all-natural product to water and spray around potential nesting areas in your home or yard.

Chrysanthemum flowers are a powerful pest control solution for certain troublemakers such as aphids, thrips, whiteflies and mealybugs. These flowers contain the natural pesticide pyrethrum that will kill or drive away the insects upon contact. Dried chrysanthemum flowers can also be used to create an all-natural insecticide by crushing them and mixing the powder with water in a spray bottle. A layer of diatomaceous earth in your garden can help control slugs and snails. This naturally occurring powder dehydrates the pests and makes them unable to move or reproduce.

2. Chrysanthemums

In the garden, chrysanthemum plants serve a dual purpose: beauty and protection. This is because they contain a natural pest control ingredient called pyrethrins, which are toxic to many insects but safe for birds and mammals. Plant a healthy clump of chrysanthemum flowers (and marigolds) near any veggies or herbs you want to protect to keep pesky insects at bay.

If you don’t have room for a chrysanthemum plant, try drying the flower heads and grinding them into a powder. Mix this powder with water and a bit of soap to create a spray that can be used indoors or out. The pyrethrins in this spray attack the nervous systems of insects and paralyze them. It can also kill moths so they don’t lay eggs that will devour your vegetables.

Another great option for a natural pest control remedy is food grade diatomaceous earth, or DE. This powder is made from the fossilized remains of tiny marine phytoplankton and works by irritating the exoskeletons of unwanted insects. It’s also non-toxic to pets and children if applied properly. Sprinkle a thick layer of this powder over your garden to help control pesky bugs, especially those that feast on the leaves of your crops.

3. Oregano Oil

The powerful aroma of oregano oil works to ward off certain pests like mosquitoes & flies. Just add a few drops to water in a spray bottle and then spritz around potential nesting areas such as window frames or doorways to create an unwelcoming environment for unwanted guests.

Oregano oil has also been shown to repel the brown-banded cockroach and head lice due to its carvacrol content. This same chemical has been found to be just as effective against bed bugs in a new study comparing natural insecticides against synthetic ones.

Another easy and affordable all-natural way to keep aphids at bay is to simply spray them with a strong dose of 50% rubbing alcohol. This will dislodge them without damaging your plant and it’s like a mini hurricane for aphids.

Another simple yet effective natural aphid deterrent is a sprinkle of crushed almond shells. They work to irritate the sensitive feet of these pesky pests and will force them to look for easier targets elsewhere. For a more comprehensive approach, try releasing ladybugs to the garden as they’re nature’s natural predators of these pests and will eat them up in no time. This will allow your oregano to thrive without the need for chemicals.

4. Table Salt

If the warm weather brings unwanted pests, there are plenty of natural solutions to rid your home of them. From essential oils to homemade insecticides, these methods offer safe and effective control of pests without the use of harmful chemicals.

Neem oil is a great repellent for mosquitoes and other flying insects. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and apply regularly around entrances to your house, or anywhere you have seen bugs gathering. The strong aroma will help to create an environment that these unwanted guests don’t want to be a part of.

Baking soda is another common household item that can be used to deter insects. The powder disrupts the digestive systems of these creatures and can also be used to kill larvae in standing pools of water. You can also sprinkle the powder around potential nesting areas for further protection against pests.

Peppermint is a great repellent for spiders, ants, and other crawling insects. Combine a few drops of this powerful essential oil with water in a spray bottle and apply to various entry points to your home to keep these unwanted visitors away. You can also try growing plants that will naturally repel, confuse, or distract pests like fennel, catnip, or thyme.

5. Hot Sauce

Some plants are naturally resistant to insect pests, so plant your garden with these types of varieties. Marigolds, for instance, contain pyrethrum and can repel many common insects that attack your garden. Also be sure to plant vegetables and herbs that attract beneficial insects such as lady beetles, lacewings, and hoverflies. They’re natural predators of garden pests and will keep populations down.

The scent of citrus fruits is an effective deterrent for bugs such as flies and spiders. To use this natural pest control remedy, mix the juice from citrus fruit with water and transfer to a spray bottle. Spray this solution around your plants and doorways to help stop unwanted guests from entering your home.

Aspirin may not seem like the typical choice when it comes to a natural pest control remedy, but this over-the-counter drug can actually be an effective repellent for mosquitoes and other household insects. To use this natural pest control solution, mix a few tablets of aspirin with water and then transfer to a spray bottle. Spritz the solution onto areas where you see these unwanted guests and they’ll be forced to find another nesting area. Almond shells are a great natural deterrent for slugs and snails. Simply scatter the shells around the plants in your garden and these slimy creatures will stay away due to their unpleasant texture.

6. Vinegar

Vinegar is a household staple that works by disrupting the olfactory senses of bugs, repelling them away from infested areas. This method is safe for people, pets and plants. It’s particularly effective at warding off ants and mosquitoes.

For the garden, a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water makes a powerful plant spray that will kill and deter pests like slugs, moths and ants. It also works well as a pre-planting treatment for tomatoes and other fruit trees. A solution of equal parts water and vinegar can be sprayed directly on the leaves to kill and repel caterpillars and leafminers. It’s equally effective as a spray for killing and deterring spider mites.

Another natural alternative to pesticides is diatomaceous earth (DE). DE is a talc-like powder made from fossilized remains of microscopic marine phytoplankton. It’s non-toxic to people and animals, but it irritates the exoskeletons of insects, making them dehydrate and die. You can buy DE at most gardening centers or online. It’s also known to ward off termites. You can sprinkle it in the garden, around doorways and windows, or use it to create a barrier along the base of your house.

7. Garlic

Garlic is a natural pest control remedy that can repel many types of bugs. It works by creating a strong odor that insects find unpleasant. It also helps to mask other odors that would attract pests to the area. The best way to use garlic as a repellent is to sprinkle crushed cloves in areas where you are experiencing a pest problem.

Another effective method for using garlic is to make a spray from the cloves. To do this, puree two bulbs of garlic in a blender with a small amount of water and let it sit overnight. Then, strain the mixture and add one-half cup of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap to the solution. Then, pour it into a quart spray bottle and use it to spray the affected plants.

You can also try to repel pests by planting certain herbs and flowers in your garden. For example, marigolds and chrysanthemums have natural pest control properties that help to keep away insects like caterpillars and aphids. Other herbs that are effective include mint, basil, and dill. These herbs are easy to grow and can be planted directly into the soil of your garden.

Ensuring Proper Roof Ventilation: DIY Solutions

Roof ventilation is an essential part of home maintenance and should be checked regularly. It helps regulate attic temperature, prevents moisture and mold growth, and extends the lifespan of roofing materials.

A proper ventilation system consists of both soffit vents and ridge vents to create continuous airflow. This will help prevent warm air from stagnating in the attic during hot seasons and colder weather.

1. Install Ridge Vents

Using roof vents to allow for proper air flow through your attic and home can be a great way to help keep your house cool. One type of roof vents is called ridge vents. These vents can be installed on any type of roof and are designed to be a natural part of your attic ventilation system. They are also a good option for those who don’t want to deal with the hassle of installing and maintaining attic fans or turbines.

These types of vents are installed at the peak of your roof where they blend in to your shingles and offer a natural way for air to flow through your attic. The cool air from your home’s eaves can pass into your attic through the ridge vent, pushing hot attic air out. This helps to keep your attic cooler and can even lower the overall temperature in your house.

To install a ridge vent, you will need to start by carefully marking the area where you are going to cut through your shingles with a grease pencil and a ruler. Then, use a circular saw to cut a square into the shingle in that outline. Be careful not to cut into any beams or trusses in your attic. Once you have the hole cut out, place the ridge vent into the hole and secure it with roofing caulk.

The ridge vent should have an external baffle that allows for a certain amount of passive airflow. However, it is important to note that this kind of vent may not be ideal for all homes. If your area frequently experiences high winds or heavy rains, this may cause moisture to blow in through the vent and dampen your attic.

If you decide to go with this type of vent, you should consider having a professional roofer like these experienced Louisville roofers to complete the project for you. This is because it will require working on a ladder and using power tools. It is not a job that a typical DIYer would be comfortable taking on. If you are considering this option, make sure to check with a local roofer to see if they can provide you with a free estimate on your project.

2. Install Soffit Vents

Soffit vents are one of the most important and easy-to-install parts of any home roof ventilation system. They provide a simple way to let fresh air into the attic space and work in tandem with ridge vents to create balanced, healthy attic ventilation. When installed properly, soffit vents will keep the attic cool and your house more energy efficient.

The first step in installing soffit vents is to gather the necessary tools and materials. If you’re going to be working on a ladder, it’s always a good idea to have a friend to help you, as well as safety goggles and work gloves. Eye protection is especially important, as you’ll be drilling and cutting wood right above your head.

Next, you’ll need to figure out how many soffit vents you’ll need. To do this, look at your roof from the outside and determine how much of the overhang is covered by the soffit. Then, measure that amount and divide it by 150 to find out how many square feet of attic space you need to ventilate.

Once you know how many soffit vents you need, take a piece of cardboard or plywood and trace around each vent location on the underside of your eaves. Use a carpenter’s pencil or chalk to make the outlines. After that, you can mark the locations with a stud finder to locate the wooden rafters that support your overhang and draw two parallel lines across the soffit’s length that are about two inches apart.

You’ll then want to cut the lines out using a circular saw. Be sure to avoid cutting into the rafters, as this can damage your roof and allow insects to enter your attic. Once you’ve cut the soffit vent holes, inspect them and remove any insulation that has fallen in and is blocking the hole.

Once you’ve cleaned out your soffit vents, it’s time to install them! Once you’ve gotten your soffit vents in place, you’ll be able to see the difference they make on your power bills and on your attic shingles. Be sure to regularly check and clean your soffit vents to prevent them from becoming blocked by leaves, insects or other debris.

3. Install Gable Vents

Gable vents are installed on the gable end of your attic, and they allow hot air that rises to the roof to escape. This helps keep your home cool during the summer and prevents moisture build-up in the attic, which can lead to wood rot and mold growth. Gable vents are typically used in conjunction with other ventilation systems, such as soffit vents and roof turbines, to ensure proper air flow throughout your attic.

Gable vent installation is a fairly straightforward process, but you’ll need to take certain safety precautions and make sure that your ladder is stable before working on the roof. To start, climb a ladder and carefully inspect the area that you want to install the vent. Be sure to remove any debris or obstructions that are obstructing the area, and make sure it is free of loose material. Next, you’ll need to create a frame to support the gable vent. You can do this by measuring the distance between two interior wall studs on the gable end and cutting two sections of 2-by-4 lumber at that length to serve as braces for the vent opening. Attach one brace to each of the gable end studs and then screw in the vent, double-checking that it is locked into place and plumb.

Once you’ve completed your gable vent installation, it’s important to regularly clean the vent and clear any blockages. You should also check the ventilation system for any leaks or other problems, and repair them immediately to prevent water infiltration and damage. Keeping the area around your gable vents clean is especially important during the winter, as unvented attics are more likely to accumulate snow that can melt and trickle down the roof, leading to ice dams.

To help prevent these issues, consider installing a mesh screen behind your gable vents to prevent debris from entering the attic and blocking the vent. It’s also a good idea to have your roof inspected on a regular basis by a professional to catch any potential problems before they become serious and expensive.

4. Install Skylights

Skylights are energy-efficient roof windows that allow sunlight to pass through a clear or translucent panel and bounce off a reflective surface before entering a room below. This natural light can liven up a room and even make it feel more spacious. Moreover, since they’re built into the attic, skylights can help prevent heat buildup in the summer by allowing hot air to escape the attic, thus relieving the cooling system and helping you save money on energy costs.

However, not all skylights are created equal, and it’s important to choose a professional to install them for maximum benefits. A poorly-installed skylight can cause leaks, which can damage the home’s structure and lead to expensive repairs. Additionally, the opening in the attic can let in unwanted heat or cold, depending on the climate where you live.

To prevent these issues, it’s best to hire a professional with the right tools and experience for skylight installation. Some of the essential tools for roof ventilation include a ladder, safety equipment (such as a hard hat and goggles), a measuring tape, a circular saw, and a flashing kit that’s specifically designed to fit your skylight model.

Before you begin the roofing part of your project, be sure to choose a day that’s clear and dry for working on your rooftop. Once you’re ready to start, it’s a good idea to recruit a partner for help handling materials and lifting the skylight unit. Then, prepare the area by removing all the shingles within six inches past each of the four screws that mark the center of your roof opening. After the shingles have been removed, use a level and a measuring tape to ensure you’re cutting a straight line into the attic.

Once you’ve cut the rough opening, it’s time to frame the roof for the new skylight. Then, install the skylight unit and the corresponding flashing. If you’re installing a vented skylight, be sure to include an exhaust fan that works by drawing cool air in through the vent during hot days and expelling warm air outside.

How Do You Become a Journeyman Electrician?

Journeyman electricians are licensed professionals trained in installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems and other electrical devices. They can work independently and respond to service calls. They can also work in a team in either construction work or remodeling houses.

What does a Journeyman Electrician do at work?

Electrician Columbus Ohio states that electricians carefully study a blueprint drafted by an architect when it comes to installing electrical systems. They will calculate and list all the supplies needed for the job after going through the plan.

They install the electrical system after they acquire all the supplies. Everyone ensures that what they do follows the standard requirements for local electrical codes.

You need to have a keen eye for detail to become an electrician. If you’re not going to focus on the job, you could mess up the electrical system or whatever electrical device you’re fixing. Also, you need to be creative and smart. Electrical problems may occur on the construction site, and you need to know how to resolve the problem quickly.

How much does an electrician earn?

Working as a journeyman can be tough yet exciting. Most of these professionals work at construction sites. In 2018, the average salary of an electrician reached around $55,000. This skilled trade is expected to grow as more buildings and homes require their expertise.

How do you become a journeyman electrician?

If you want to be a journeyman electrician, you need to undergo vocational electrician courses to learn basic theories and skills. As you progress in your electrician training, you can practice and experience hands-on training to familiarize yourself with the necessary electrical instruments that an electrician uses.

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To further develop your skills, you can put what you learn into practice by doing an apprenticeship program.

Your school can refer you to professionals who need an apprentice. The electricians at the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) can also help you land an apprenticeship job training.  

What happens during the apprenticeship training?

As an electrician apprentice, you are required to complete an intensive on-job training program for about four years. During this period, you need to undergo 2,000 hours of work at the building site.

Aside from on-job training, you will need to complete 144 hours of classroom-based training annually. Some students take online courses for this; others prefer to go to school to attend their classes.

Learning how to use electrical tools is something that any apprentice loves to do. Experienced electricians will guide and educate you on how to do electrical works. You’ll learn how to drill holes, install lighting fixtures, wires, switches, and more.

In classroom-based learning, you will learn the basics of electrical energy, reading electrical plan blueprints, math formulas, and calculations.

You’ll also learn about the National Electrical Code or NFPA 70. This code contains the standards for safe and proper installation of electrical systems in the buildings in the US.

If you want to become a journeyman electrician, you need to enroll in vocational electrician courses to prepare you to perform electrical works safely. The knowledge you gain in the classroom setting can significantly help you pass the certification exam to become a journeyman electrician.  

Getting to Know our Electricians

With the high demand for electrical products lately, it is most likely that you have one at home. These home appliances have made our lives easier and more convenient, and have become so integral to our modern living. However, it is inevitable for such electrical devices to encounter some problems or become defective over time. This is where we will need help from a well-trained electrician.

               Electricians deal with a significant amount of danger and hazards as they perform their job. Doing what they do is not ‘a walk in the park.’  They have to undergo rigorous training and workshop to get the qualifications required to handle various electrical issues. Now, let’s get to know some information about these skilled individuals whom we turn to when we have electrical concerns, or we need our appliances fixed.

  • They are restoration specialists. A lot of electricians are employed to work in restoring old facilities and buildings. They fix old wirings and make sure that electricity would be flowing properly before the old buildings are used again. They would also be in charge of ensuring that the facility is lit correctly.
    • They are problem-solving experts. Good reasoning, exceptional logical thinking skills, and fast analysis of the problem are all needed when dealing with electrical issues.
    • They are physically fit and healthy. The job of an electrician entails laborious tasks and activities such as climbing, hanging, and carrying heavy materials so a weak body and stamina will not get you far in this line of work.
    • They possess visual acuity and an excellent color vision. Electricians must deal with tiny parts of electrical equipment, as well as a multitude of wires with different colors. The ability to differentiate the wires is a very crucial skill because a single mistake in connecting wires could lead to horrible outcomes.
    • They need to have brilliant management skills and the ability to finish the job on schedule. Electricians must know how to manage their time and schedule appropriately. They have to follow organized procedures to tackle electrical issues as safely and efficiently as possible and ensure they adhere to preassigned schedules.

               Oftentimes, electricians never cross our minds unless we have equipment that needs to be repaired.  The next time we employ an electrician, let us show them some appreciation and treat them with respect and kindness they deserve. They are not only doing a difficult job, but they are also risking their lives to resolve our wiring issues and make our electrical devices running again.

Why You Need To Hire A Professional Electrician

An electrician’s job isn’t merely to replace cords or to fix a light bulb; there is more than that. I’m sure most of us can agree that we’ve attempted to set an “easy wiring issue” with duct tape at some point in our lives. That’s not as bad, but that isn’t good either. Working with electricity can be dangerous. We fail to understand that the problem is more severe than it is. That usually ends up to more significant electrical problems. It is tempting to work on these small DIY projects with so many “helpful tips” you can find online. But trust me, it’s better to leave these projects in the hands of a professional electrician atlanta company who can determine the source of the fault. They are efficient and trustworthy. And they mostly give their customers a fair price.

Appliances that have split or frayed cords and no power are clear signs that you need to have them repaired by a qualified and professional electrician. But often, it is encouraged that you have the faulty wiring replaced instead of merely having them fixed. A professional would work on your faulty wiring issue like a breeze. They will usually attempt to find anything else that is faulty to ensure that they have been replaced or repaired properly. Trying to do them yourself won’t cut it. Not only will you risk your safety, but you will also be held accountable for your actions. It’s better to be on the safe side of things.

Aside from efficiency, most professional electricians give a warranty to the projects they have worked on. And the good thing with hiring one is that they have insurance. Should something unfortunate happens; they are insured and covered by their company. It’s an occupational hazard that they face every day.

When communicating with an electrician for a home inspection or simple repair, you need to give them the details of what happened and what you need to have them check first. And they can carry on from that. Communication is vital to make sure they know where to start. This allows them to get the job done efficiently and faster.

Professional electricians also ensure that your circuit breaker doesn’t overload. They triple check everything before they leave your house. It takes years of practice and experience to be able to handle what they do. Hence why they are called professionals. Thorough Roofing New Orleans can help you with any roofing and electrical needs.

The bottom line is, electrical issues if left untreated, would result in a disaster like appliances getting permanently damaged. Or even worse… your house fire. Saving a couple of bucks from doing DIY repairs isn’t worth it. You’re risking your safety. If you notice anything suspicious with your wiring or appliances, don’t think twice and contact a professional electrician ASAP. They can get to the heart of the problem and fix it in a speedy and timely manner before it’s too late.